Open Range Gallery
Open Range Gallery
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Open Range Gallery is the only 100% western art gallery on Main Street in Old Town Scottsdale, Arizona

primarily featuring original works of award-winning art by experienced gallery owner Sherry Blanchard Stuart and exacting works of graphite art by Roger Archibald 

Open Range Gallery is privileged to present a vibrant secondary market featuring the following notable artists

Painters include: Earl Carpenter; Roy Grinnell; Tom Hill; Richard Iams; Krystti Melanie; J. Chris Morel; Ralph Oberg; Dell Parson; Bonita Roberts; Lindsay Scott; Ron Stewart; Melvin Warren

Sculptors include: Dave Anderson and Chris Navarro

Also available is an original Hollis Wilford and recast original sculptures by Frederic Remington, C.M. Russel and Joe Beeler



Old Town Scottsdale, Az

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Contact Us

OPEN RANGE GALLERY in old town scottsdale

7077 East Main Street, Suite 9
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251


Sherry Blanchard Stuart: Artist & Gallery Owner


Monday: 10 am - 4 am

Tuesday: 10 am - 4 pm

Wednesday: 10 am - 4 pm

Thursday: 10 am - 4 pm

Friday: 10 am - 4 pm

Saturday: 10 am - 4 pm